Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One of our own

I was working at our North Hills store last week and the minute Melissa walked in, I knew I had to snap her picture for our blog! She looked amazing. Her outfit is muted, so it's all about the jewels. And they don't overwhelm her. Stop by North Hills and let Melissa and the rest of the staff show you how to get just-the-right look! They will not steer you wrong.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Phenomenal Fall

When we took this picture, it wasn't quite Fall. But now that it's cooled down some, it is time to think about how we'll dress for the cooler weather. Taylor Brown, UNC medical student, is pitch perfect for October's weather. Great colors. The little touches, the necklace and belt, give her a look that stands out in a beautiful way. And her smile is amazing!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Peach Perfect

Jessica O'Brien, UNC Senior, was caught off guard by our street style team. She was in a hurry but was kind enough to stop for a second to talk to us. Thanks Jessica! Her accessories make this outfit. Great colors and worn-in denim shorts make it easy. The top knot and wayfarers show she's in the know. She just looks so...cool. And that is what we need with all this steamy weather!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fresh and minty

The truth: it was the pants that caught us! Mint is a color that has been everywhere since the Spring. Sarah Lust shows us how we can transition some of our summer wardrobe into a look that works for right now. And let's be honest, with today's gray weather, we need as much punchy color to wake us up this Monday morning.